Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Finally Blogging....

Let me preface this first blogging experience by saying that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing! I do know that I won't know if this is for me unless I just go for it, so here I go. Old friends that I run in to (and new ones) are constantly mentioning they have a blog and asking if I have one. And, for the last four months, I have proudly said, "Yes! I do have one." And then followed that by admitting that my sister-in-law created it for me and the only post on there is from her! And today I realized that it has been exactly 4 months since she got my blog up and going for me. Four months! I mean, really, how rude is that?! I haven't even tried to post a blog in the 4 months that have passed since her sweet gesture of creating one for me.

So, I still don't know what I'm doing, but I think I'm just going to give in to the peer pressure around me and dive right in. My first step was just to type this little message and see if it actually works (remember, I really don't know what I'm doing...I didn't even set this site up). Maybe tomorrow I'll try to post a few pictures. I won't be offended if no one is reading this for a while! I think I'll probably read it more than anyone else - just to capture some fun time with all my boys. I could use some time to just reflect and blog the stuff I don't want to forget...and that I don't want them to forget. We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jenn FINALLY has a blog!

So I have been trying to get my sister-in-law Jenn to start blogging because is SO FUN and she has way too many stories to not share with the rest of us! She has been married to Matt for 9 years and they have Carter who is almost 4 (in June) and Gavin and Garrett who are twins and about to turn 2!! Jenn and her 4 boys have many, many adventures and through it all they stay grounded in the Lord's truth and His direction for their lives. I know that her blog will be one that I frequent and now her friends can check in on her as well.

So here ya go Jenn...enjoy the world of blogging, but be careful because it is HIGHLY addictive!!